MaskOn 回應消費者委員會口罩抽查報告 | Our response to the Consumer Council Face Mask Report

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MaskOn內部對口罩品質向來有兩大要求:1)符合國際標準----製作團隊一直嚴格遵守美國 ASTM F2100 Level 3 和歐盟口罩EN14683的國際認可標準;2)以配戴者的感受為大前題----我們深信唯有舒適至上的口罩,才能鼓勵持續配戴,以提升防疫成效。

就消委會報告中MaskOn口罩未能取得滿分的兩個項目,當中耳帶拉力測試的標準,是國家食品藥品監督管理局所制定(GB 19083-2010:4.3和5.3條款),而非ASTM和EN14683的國際認可要求。MaskOn更重視配戴者的感受,經過前期反覆測試,設計耳繩時採用了舒適性先決的方案。我們認為此舉既有利於大眾建立使用口罩的習慣,同時避免使用者因配戴時感到不適而以雙手調整耳繩,從而增加感染的可能。


感激各界一直對MaskOn的信任和支持,我們一如既往著重品質和安全性,正如我們所製作的最高過濾標準(BFE>99.9%,PFE>99%)4層口罩,兼具高度保護性及透氣舒適感,在是次報告中有關過濾比率及呼吸舒適度(2.9 - 3.1 mmH2O/cm²)的測試中均取得滿分成績。今後MaskOn會繼續改進,堅持既有方向精益求精,貫徹Made in Hong Kong, Good for Hong Kong的企業精神!




August 14th, 2022

Consumer Council published the results of its protective face mask comparative test. MaskOn takes seriously the spot-check report and hope to provide some context to allow for a more comprehensive understanding of the report’s results.

As a mask brand, we adhere to two fundamental requirements for our face masks:

1. We strictly adhere to the ASTM International and EU (EN-14683) standards for medical face mask reliability.

2. To the extent that the user’s safety is ensured, we believe comfort is the key factor that encourages mask-wearing for extended durations, and as a corollary protects the user.

In reference to Consumer Council’s report, specifically in the two areas where we did not receive a full score, we have the following information for you to consider:

a) Metric for ear loop tensile strength: This standard, which measures the tensile strength of the welding point between mask and ear loop, is set by the China Food and Drug Administration (GB 19083-2010: Clause 4.3 and 5.3) and is not a metric required for the ASTM and EN-14683 international standards. Our current mask configuration is the result of undergoing many simulations to replicate real-life use cases with the aim to offer a practical mask solution that offers the best protection, in addition to premium comfort and user-experience.

b) Mask package labelling and Instructions: Due to the lack of Chinese instructions on the design packaging we did not receive a full score. At MaskOn, we aim to find a balance between practicality and branding/design, and we believe that this aspect does not affect the mask-wearing experience. With that said, the team is humbly open to different opinions and will consider them as part of our overarching mission.

We are incredibly grateful for the trust and support we’ve received from MaskOn users and hope to underscore our emphasis on product quality and safety. As the report substantiates, our 4-ply masks meet the highest filtering protection standards (BFE >99.9%, PFE >99%), while also offering one of the most breathable and comfortable mask-wearing experiences (2.9 – 3.1 mmH2O/cm²). Now and into the future, MaskOn / MO will strive to evolve and refine our product and service offerings to the benefit of our supporters, riding upon the enterprising spirit of “Made in Hong Kong. Good for Hong Kong”.

Should you have any additional questions and/or comments about MaskOn’s face masks as it relates to the Consumer Council report, please contact us at with the email subject: “MaskOn Consumer Council Report''. We will endeavour to get back to you shortly.

The MO Team

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